




A Blank Canvas

January 7, 2015

[vc_single_image image=”510″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” alignment=”none”]“Too often, we decide to follow a path that is not really our own, one that others have set for us. We forget that whichever way we go, the price is the same: in both cases, we will pass through both difficult and happy moments. But when we are living our purpose, the difficulties we encounter make sense.”            – Paulo Coelho[vcex_divider style=”solid” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”14px” margin_top=”20px” margin_bottom=”20px”][vcex_spacing size=”10px”]“Too often we decide to follow a path that is not really our own”…. Oh my, how many of us have learnt that lesson the hard way!

We are all driven by the need to make a contribution and to know that contribution offers value and meaning to others. To do this in an ongoing capacity we need to ensure two things: we are aligned firstly with our own purpose and secondly, that of the environment we work in. If that alignment is not there we will simply reach a point where we run out of fuel.

We all know that brilliant feeling of operating in ‘our zone’ – we seem to be able to run faster, operate with more clarity and conviction, anticipate situations with ease, produce greater results and ultimately feel confident, prosperous and fulfilled in what we do. Bingo!

Conversely, when we aren’t operating in our zone, we feel ‘stuck’, unable to deliver the results we want to, uninspired, disempowered, drained of energy, lacking in confidence and left with more questions than answers: Is this it? Is it worth it? Where is this taking me? Can I really do this all over again for another year? Blah![vcex_spacing size=”10px”]Regardless of whether or not we are in the ‘Bingo’ camp or the ‘Blah’ camp, we need to take the time to ensure that we are well positioned in 2015 to maximize our capabilities and opportunities. The New Year brings us a fresh clean canvas and with it the opportunity to write, draw, build and create what we want.

So before the busy-ness of life, work and another year take hold, I encourage you to create the time to do the following five things:[vc_single_image image=”501″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” alignment=”none”]

Stop and Evaluate: It’s time to be honest and to own your own story. You are the painter, the writer and the candlestick maker! All too often I meet people who are unable to articulate what they are really interested in and want from their careers. It’s not enough to know what you don’t want. Career fulfillment is not something you discover, it is something you create. AND you can’t create it if you don’t know what it is.

Understanding what your values, strengths, talents and needs are, is a critical piece of the puzzle, but so to is knowing how to use them and where they are in demand.

Conducting an audit on yourself and the alignment you hold to your career and/or business is critical if you are to be clear about where you want to go.

Determine Your Direction: When we understand what we want and need, we are in a position to define our ‘big picture’ goal and explore the options available to us.

All too often we narrow our decisions to A or B? Right or Wrong? Should I stay or should I go? Every year I hear people tell me that their New Year’s resolution is to find a new opportunity without being able to articulate why.

Failing to consider the full range of options can see you running the risk of bouncing around – chasing new jobs, new markets, new clients when really you may be missing the opportunities that are right under your nose.

Develop Your Plan: For many of us writing a business plan is so much easier than writing our own career plan. Why? Because our career plan is so personal, it can require change and like most things, we don’t want to muck it up!

However to build a long-term career that is both resilient and successful we need to plan for it. Gone are the days of having a single job for life. Our plan needs to be a working document that is re-evaluated, updated and amended to ensure that our objectives remain relevant and in line with our desires and goals.

Remember success drives success, so your plan for 2015 needs to be both measurable and timely in order to generate further action, confidence and clarity. Without it we will find ourselves in March in exactly the same place as today – neither ahead nor behind but stationary which is dangerous.

Build Your Marketing Strategy: Everyone in today’s market place needs a way to showcase his or her brilliance. Whether we are aware of it or not we all have a personal brand, and we constantly have to position ourselves to engage in the type of work that inspires, motivates and fulfills us, be it as an employee or business owner.

It makes sense therefore to take control of your own brand. Ask yourself: What do I do best and what am I known for? What do I want to be known for? How relevant is it to my industry? Who are my networks and influencers?

Start: It’s time to say goodbye to your comfort zone and step out into the world of action. The great news is that when you do this with clarity of purpose, clear direction and a well-defined plan your ability to execute is so greatly enhanced.

Engaging with your network, your market place, your stakeholders and clients will bring further clarity and confidence in what you are doing. It will elevate your brand and attract new opportunities. It will highlight options and position you as being ready, willing and able.

Creating a fulfilling career and business isn’t a quick or easy journey. It takes time and effort. It takes continual re-evaluation and planning. You need to engage yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. You need to be active.[vcex_divider style=”solid” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”14px” margin_top=”20px” margin_bottom=”20px”][vc_single_image image=”126″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” alignment=”none”]

Have you considered working with a career coach to elevate your career and build clarity and focus for the year ahead?

Please contact Margot directly on margot@talentinsight.com.au or +61 400 336 318 if you would like to know more. 

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